Wednesday, October 26, 2011

W.I.P Wednesday

Its Wednesday again and I'm heading over to visit Lee at Freshly Pieced for another W.I.P Wednesday. 

I'm still readjusting to early morning life. It hasn't been as bad but its still early wake up calls. To add icing to the cake, my 2 year old has discovered that he can open up his bedroom door all by himself. So we now have wrestling matches at night to get him to settle down for the evening as well. He has never been the greatest settler but he is a good sleeper once he goes to sleep. 

My week has not allowed for much progresses to happen as I've been too tired to attempt much but here it goes. There has just not been any sewing machine time. :(

I have been cutting into some fabric to make another quilt. I have cut up the 2nd Daydreams by Deb Strain jelly roll to make a quilt for a special lady who has helped our family for the past 2 years. I decided that she needed something special and now I just have to piece together her quilt. It will be quick and easy to put together now that all the strip have been cut. 

I have also cut out some more fabric for my Jacob's ladder blocks. I love the fabrics and an waiting in anticipation to sew them up.

I also started to cut out my sister-in-law's wedding quilt. She lives in Tasmania and it gets cold. I'm making her a flannel quilt in country tones. Its going to be scrappy. I need to have it finished in December so I can get it to the LQS to have it done for February. The hardest thing will be binding a flannel quilt in the middle of summer in our heat. (Our weather here is like the heat in the state of Texas or Arizona just to give you an idea)

I had a huge clean out and reorganisation of my quilting stuff. So proud of myself. It also cut into my sewing time. As I don't have a sewing room I'm improvising. I am making myself a design wall from a piece of wadding and a curtain rod to hang in my kitchen/dining room. I want that to be done before next week so hopefully I'll have some photos to share. I have been jealous of other people's sewing rooms and design walls and decided that I desperately needed one too. I just had to think outside of the box to make it work.

Of course there was time at night when I didn't feel completely exhausted to do some hexagons. Guess what???? I've reached the half way point of the color and have started to grade it back again. I'm really excited with the progress and the end looks closer each day. I can add a row a night, if time works in my favour. 


  1. Wow! Look at all of those hexies! The finish is going to be amazing. :) Lovely work!

  2. I think every week, as I watch you progress, I'm loving those hexies more and more! And we've been there with the wrestling at night, too...

  3. Oh I like your hexies! I'm not a hexy fan but solids seem to be so different from print hexys!

  4. I like hexagon quilt. Beautiful colors!

  5. It's getting bigger.
    The joys of parenthood......

  6. Your hexagons are looking fabulous! We have had many, many of those kind of nights (and mornings) here, too. Sounds like you will have lots of progress to show in the coming weeks!

  7. your hexie quilt is a beauty - well done

  8. I love the hexagon quilt! I have the paper to make some but haven't started yet. I need to work on at least a small project because they are so fun.

  9. In spite of no sewing time you have made the most of what you could do away from the machine! Great progress on the hexagon quilt. It is unique and I like what you are doing with the color.
    Though it has been a long time, I understand the frustration with a two-year-old who has just discovered what they can do. Good luck with that. : )
    I feel your pain on the design wall, too--I just barely got mine this year, and I've been quilting for decades. Mine didn't happen until we were empty nesters, and I am so glad to not have to crawl around on the floor to lay out a quilt anymore!!

  10. Great job with the hexagon quilt! I know it's not easy, and takes time, but it looks GORGEOUS, and you are going to love love love it when it's all done! :)

  11. Your hexagons are really coming along!
    I'd love to see how you've created your sewing space within the house.

    (You could always think of it the other way around, it's not that you don't have a sewing room. Since you're not limited to a room, you have the entire house at your disposal!)

  12. In love with your hexies!!!

  13. Nice hexies...have a great day.


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