Sunday, July 3, 2011

Part 3 - Quilted IPad and Accessories Case

In case you are wondering what is happening with Part 3. Its happening but I have just finished sewing together Part 2 this afternoon. 

I have started to put together Part 3 but I'm playing around with my cutting and measurements for the case. I'm also consulting DH in the process because after all it is for him.

But generally I'm a Mummy first. So my sewing and crafting time comes when there are afternoon naps and bedtimes at night. And like any parent, when the kids are in bed its time to put the feet up and there are days in which I just can't sit behind the machine a few extra hours to get the job done. So there's always tomorrow. 

But tomorrow DH and I are off for an overnight trip away with no kids. That's right no kids. We can't wait as it will be our first solo getaway since our son was born in 2009. So the kids are off to play and stay with Nanny and Poppy and DH and I are going out for dinner and a movie just like old times.

But I'll be back to link into W.I.P Wednesday. I should have some better progress photos of the IPad case then even if it will not be completely finished. Sorry guys for the delay but kids come first.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to readingy part three when it s posted. Enjoy your tIme away without your kids


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