Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Check In

I'm checking in after my evening sewing with Friday Night Sew-In. My girlfriend Simone also joined in the fun.

I stayed up sewing until 11:30pm. At the start of the evening I had a pile of fabric like this.

By the time I had wrapped things up I had made progress on the blocks. Still some more to complete but I'm that bit closer.

I need to do some ironing now. Preparation for the next stage of the process. 


  1. Looks like quite a bit got done--definitely more than at my house. I hardly sat down to my machine. Other than that, just a little cutting. : (

  2. Well done Kylie amazing effort.. hope you get back in to it tonight! enjoy tomorrow with the girls

  3. Looks like you had a productive evening!


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